Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Truth

I always wanted to be a mommy. I never really wanted to work. I will admit it. I was overjoyed when we found out we were pregnant. My husband said I flew down the drive, that my feet didn't even touch the stairs when I came out to tell him the test came out positive. Then we found out we were exepecting TWINS! And the reading began. Oh yes! I think every book on parenthood, pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc came our way. BUT WHAT WAS THE TRUTH?

I have learned many things since becoming a mommy. But it always seemed like there was a magic mommy wand that my friends had and I didn't. Did I miss something in one of my parenting books? NO! Every baby and every parent is different.

It is my attempt in this new blog to gether stories from mommies near and far in attempts to SOME day write a book. If you post a comment or story, then you are giving me permission to someday use what you have written. It is also my attempt to let other mommies know they are not alone when they are wondering why their child wants to always put their foot in the poopy diaper and then kick their foot (this has not happened to me but I am sure to someone!).

I don't know how I will have this organized completely. The idea is still evolving. But know that every mommy out there has some story that they could share to make you feel better about something that has happened with you.


  1. I think this is a great idea, Erin! Oh, I'm sure I have plenty of stories to share already. I just have to think of one. I bet tomorrow, I'll have a story to share! Everyday comes with some story when you're a mamma!

  2. Every day there is one! I am going to come up with topics for us to fill our stories in for others to know we are not alone out there in mommy land!
