Thursday, September 24, 2009


Mine and theirs. Lots of tears. I thought the second night was easier. It has been harder on me. And harder on Emmy. Easier on Elsie and easier on Eric. No one said parenting was easy and this is living proof, this hell of babies and mommy crying away from each other.

I know another place where I went wrong. Instead of dropping our night feed schedule, I should have slowly weaned them off. But what did I know? I trusted our ped, still do, it made since and it seemed to work for awhile.

But again the truth about being a parent is no one is perfect, we all mess up, what works for sometime won't always work. Yes, in my quest to do everything right, I feel like I am doing everything wrong. You read the books, and their advice may work for awhile and it may not. There is no right or wrong way or right or wrong answer. Love your babies as much as you can. Today we did a lot of reading and cuddling on mommy's lap.

Elsie has done really well tonight, if you can say that. Pray for Emmy to get it like Elsie and pray for sleep for us all. Pray I stay strong. I am really struggling tonight.

It has been quiet for 2 minutes, 5 more and I will go in.

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